About Debbie

keyChaos and Order are not enemies,
only opposites.

~ Richard Garriott

Chaos & Order; Darkness & Light: confounding myself with daily contradictions in opinion, taste or style. I am a quilter that does not make quilts.

“We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.”
~ Anais Nin

“I accept chaos. I am not sure whether it accepts me.”
~ Bob Dylan

I am a 48 year old Pieces
(those fish have been swimming in opposite directions for all of my life!). That really covers it, but should you want to know more:

I have a passion for stitching. Once I discovered that the quilt and stitch authorities did not bust down my door at 3 a.m., I became empowered to continue down the wayward path of un-snipped threads and atypical bindings. Early classes in traditional quilting and a penchant for wanting to create original work unlocked doors and addictions.  Sharing anything from the ordinary to subversive lives and stylings of threads has become a calling. I have been teaching in the world of fibre arts for over 10 years

I have been so very fortunate to be able to embrace many aspects of this field in my career. I write about stitching and the creative process and work in the sewing industry. I have had the privilege to lecture and teach across Canada and in the U.S., as well as contribute to publications north and south of the border. I  have appeared on a variety of television programs; from Linda MacPhee to The Shopping Channel. (I think that my experience as a Girl Guide/Girl Scout leader got me through some of those moments!)

History, mythology, travel and the surreal all play a part in my work. I am strongly influenced by music, movies and other art that speaks to life’s undertones.  I often find myself seduced by the bizarre and intrigued by life’s oddities.

My education background is in psychology, counseling, biology and education. I took up classes in anything from business studies to literature to keep my brain busy while chasing my four babies, long, long ago. All gets channeled into what I do; my own chaotic primordium. My style is eclectic and tends more towards literal story-telling in fiber and mixed media stitchery. It can be messy, but it is me.

I love to travel and teach and invite your queries at stitchtress@yahoo.com

My website is: http://www.stitchtress.com

My old website was: http://www.goddesswithindesigns.com

(These needs some work, not unlike their owner!)

Thanks for reading this far!

~ Deb

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